web wizard-
GenErate a custom webSIte in minutes
www.meet the code jugAdus.com
Ananya A Mehta
An avid coder who wants to learn and dwell deeper into the world of coding
Vaibhav Kulshreshtha
A coder driven by my passion to learn, I am an attention to detail person
A creative thinker,
I overcome tough coding challenges thanks to my out-of-the-box thinking
Abrar Ahmed
An ambivert who loves to code, connect and find out a new way to do things
The world wide web is a plethora of websites. There are millions of websites but creating one of them is not an easy task.
With demands for websites increasing by the day, everybody wants a new website quickly delivered and here is where we come in.
<p Many individuals and small businesses lack the technical skills or resources to create a professional-looking website. As a result, they may miss out on potential customers or opportunities to share their ideas and services with a wider audience. />
www.problem statment.com
By offering a user-friendly and adaptable framework for website building, this project leverages text-DaVinci-003 and Whisper to create websites for people.
This may be especially useful for individuals and small businesses that lack the technical skills or resources to create their own websites from scratch.
To use the platform, a user would likely interact with their keyboards or whisper through a natural language interface. The user would provide information about their websites, such as the type of content they want to include and the design elements they prefer, and our application would use this information to generate a website based on pre-designed templates and customizations.
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Website Generated
There are over 1.9 billion websites on the internet, showing the importance of having a website
All told, the process of designing and deploying a professionally built website could take between five and six months according to Hubspot. Thus an automated generator would create more demand and ease the life of those who are not developers.